A dental implant is an artificial tooth that is permanently connected to your jaw replacing a tooth that has been lost or removed.
A dental implant basically replaces the original root with an artificial one. That new root anchors the replacement tooth or crown. Larsen says the implant in many cases is even better than a natural tooth.
“The great news about dental implants is that we don’t have to worry about root canal problems or decay in the future”, Larsen said, “And in many cases you can have those implants for 15 to 20 years.”
Dental implants can also be a good option for people who have worn dentures for years.
“By placing key implants, the denture can have little snap attachments in there so when they put that denture in they can snap it on”, Larsen said, “And they don’t have to worry about that falling off or moving when they are eating or chewing.”
Besides replacing damaged teeth with new stronger replacements, Larsen said he believes dental implants do more for his patients than just give them back their smile.
“Speech becomes more natural, function becomes more natural, patients start to feel more comfortable, that no one is staring at their artificial tooth because to them, it almost feels like a natural tooth.
Source: kvoa.com