Zirconia is a metal classified as a member of the titanium family and is mined around the world. It is found in dinnerware and electrical fixtures among other products. It’s known for its durability, making it an ideal product to use in dental crowns, especially posterior crowns that require a lot of strength for chewing and grinding food. Shanti Dentals provides you a world-class Zirconia Crowns and Bridges Services with the latest advanced technologies and equipment in Prashant Vihar, Rohini, North West Delhi.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What are Zirconia Crowns?

Zirconia crowns are presently the best tooth restorations, fully replacing all the materials used in dental prosthetics so far. Due to this fact we have found Zirconium Center, specialized in providing premium zirconia crown dental treatments.

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Who are they intended for?

Owing to their excellent aesthetic qualities and strength, zirconia crowns are the crowns of choice in the aesthetic and lateral dental region. They are intended for all those who want a perfect smile and immaculate mastication.

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What are their advantages as compared to other Types Of Crowns?

The advantage of zirconia crowns is that they perfectly imitate natural teeth. They are long-lasting and resistant to mechanical force generated during chewing. Unlike metal ceramic crowns, for which it is necessary to remove a lot of tooth substance, zirconia crowns require only a small quantity of tooth substance to be removed. Metal ceramic crowns comprise two layers and two materials, whereas zirconia crowns consist of one layer, which enables maximum protection of your teeth.

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When are they recommended?

Zirconia crowns are widely used. They are used for solo crowns and bridges, as well as for complex implant restorations.

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Why should i opt for Zirconia?

If you do not want to sacrifice a large portion of your teeth for a nice smile, if you want crowns which are strong and long-lasting, if you want your teeth to look natural, zirconia is the right choice.

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Aesthetically speaking, is a Zirconia tooth different from a natural one in terms of colour?

No, there is no difference at all! Zirconia fits in perfectly, not only in terms of colour, but also in terms of other qualities of natural teeth.

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Can Zirconia Crown cause any allergic reaction?

Zirconium is totally biocompatible material. No allergic reactions or tissue irritation.

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How long do Zirconia Crowns last?

Zirconia crowns are long-lasting restorations, with no expiry date. If you have regular dental check-ups, they may even last a lifetime.

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What does the procedure of manufacturing Crowns look like?

At Zirconium Center, the crown manufacturing procedure is pain-free, fast and simple. At the beginning, teeth are prepared for crowns- in other words, 0.5 – 1mm of enamel is removed from all tooth surfaces. Our aim is to protect your teeth to the maximum, at the same time improving your smile. Zirconia crowns are made completely digitally, with the assistance of computer design and machines processing zirconia itself. Therefore, there is almost no possibility of making a mistake. When this crown manufacturing method is combined with digital technologies applied in our dental studio, the result is a perfectly precise crown or bridge of high aesthetic value.

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How many visits i should make for a Zirconia Crown treatment?

Owing to the latest dental scanning technologies and computer-aided crown manufacturing, the time spent in the dental studio is significantly shorter – only two or three visits for a perfect smile.

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How experienced are you in working with Zirconia?

Zirconia is a material we have been using for more than 10 years. The qualities of this material and its manufacturing technology have been significantly improved in the last several years, and at this point, it is the best thing that you can offer yourself.

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What is a Zirconia Bridge?

A dental bridge is a structure in which a false tooth and two crowns are attached to a metal base which acts as a replacement for missing teeth.

The false tooth sits in the gap and is flanked by the two crowns which fit over the natural teeth on each side of the gap. In other words, it ‘bridges’ the gap in your teeth.

A zirconia bridge is different in that it is produced from Zirconium oxide – a tough form of dental ceramic which is also compatible with the body. This means that the body will not reject or react in a negative way to the bridge.

This is a problem with metal based bridges as there are people who have an allergy to the metals used in the bridge.

A zirconia bridge has a translucent appearance and is an ideal match with the rest of your teeth.

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Advantages of a Zirconia Bridge

The main advantages are a strong, stable and great looking bridge which blends in well with the rest of your teeth. Plus the material used to fabricate this bridge is ‘biocompatible’ which means that is kind to living tissue within your body and will not cause any ill effects, e.g. an allergic reaction.

Less preparation is needed which refers to the process you undergo before the crown is fitted. Your dentist reshapes the tooth, removing a tiny sliver which enables a better fit between crown and tooth. But minimal tooth reduction is required for a zirconia crown.

Plus there is no metal base within this bridge which means no ugly looking black line at the edge of the gums which is a common feature of metal ceramic bridges. This is good news from an aesthetic point of view as many people prefer to wear a bridge whose crowns closely match the colour of their natural teeth.

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Disadvantages of a Zirconia Bridge

The advantages of a zirconia bridge have been discussed but are there any disadvantages of this type of bridge?

Cost is one issue as this type of bridge may be more expensive than the standard metal ceramic bridge. This means shopping around to find the most suitable (and affordable) bridge for you. But do not be guided by price alone as it is important that you choose a bridge which is best suited to your teeth.

Ceramic is a tough, long lasting material but what can happen is that the surface of the crowns become rough which then rubs against natural teeth. This causes them to become worn down and less effective than before.

One problem with all ceramic bridges is that they can be less resistant to stress or extra forces, e.g. biting compared to metal ceramic bridges. There is an increased risk of chipping or a fracture as a result of this although the newer varieties have a stronger inner structure.

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How is a Zirconia Bridge fitted?

The process for this is the same as for any other type of bridge. Your dentist will assess the current state of your teeth before discussing the pros and cons of the treatment with you.

If you are considered a good candidate for a zirconia bridge then he/she will prepare your teeth for this bridge. The preparation stage is part of a two stage procedure which includes taking an impression of the affected teeth along with supporting x-rays.

It also includes what is known as ‘tooth reduction’ in which the dentist trims the affected teeth with a small drill so that it will enable the crowns to fit over the top.

These are all used in the fabrication of your zirconia bridge. They are sent to a dental laboratory that produces your bridge over a period of two to three weeks.

During this time you will be given a temporary bridge to wear. Once your new bridge has been made you will return for the fitting. Your dentist will fit the new bridge and check that it is a correct fit before cementing it in place.

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