Laser Tie and Lip Tie Treatment for Children in Rohini, Delhi
Tongue tie is the non-medical term for a common congenital condition that limits the use of the tongue, called ankyloglossia. A short, tight band of tissue (frenulum) tethers the tongue’s tip to the mouth floor. Ankyloglossia can affect how a child speaks and eats, as well as interfere with breastfeeding.
Lip tie is a similar congenital condition in which the tissue that tethers the upper lip to the upper gum is overly large or tight. Lip tie most often occurs in conjunction with tongue tie rather than on its own. Both conditions can cause ongoing health problems in infants and children due to the restriction of movement of the tongue or lip.
Potential problems from tongue tie and lip tie include:
- Difficulty with breastfeeding
- Early childhood caries (dental decay) and spacing problems
- Digestive issues
- Speech and airway interference
Tongue tie and lip tie laser surgery can correct these problems through a relatively simple procedure which Dr. Rajesh Bansal can perform in office.

Correcting the Problem: Tongue-Tie Laser Surgery and Lip-Tie Laser Surgery
When a child is experiencing a problem due to a tongue-tie or lip-tie, a pediatric dentist in Rohini can work closely with the child’s pediatrician, orthodontist, speech therapist, and/or lactation consultant to determine the best course of treatment. Sometimes, the frenulum needs to be removed to release the tongue or lip for easier movement; this procedure is called a frenectomy. The tongue-tie or lip-tie procedure is then completed by a pediatric dentist.
At shanti dentals, Dr. Rajesh Bansal performs frenectomies using the most advanced Treatment available. Tongue-tie or lip-tie pediatric laser surgery, which involves removing the frenulum using a laser, takes less than a minute and has several advantages over frenectomies performed using scalpels or scissors. First, the laser helps cauterize the tissue, which minimizes bleeding. Additionally, the laser reduces pain and minimizes the risk of postoperative complications, such as infection.
Many newborns do not need anesthesia for the tongue-tie laser procedure. Breastfed infants often experience an improved ability to latch beginning on the very same day as the procedure.
Older babies and children may require anesthesia for laser lip-tie surgery and laser tongue-tie surgery, but still recover quickly. There are no stitches to remove, and the laser makes the healing process less painful for your child.
Tongue-Tie and Lip-Tie Laser Surgery: Post-Operative Care
Daily stretching is critical after a frenectomy to prevent the tongue and/or lip from reattaching. Our child’s pediatric dentist will provide you with specific instructions on how to properly perform the correct stretches for your child.
If your child is an infant, keep in mind that, while many infants have a corrected latch immediately following a frenectomy, others need more time to learn how to breastfeed effectively. If your infant falls into the latter category, it is important to continue working with your lactation consultant and to always remember that your infant is learning a new skill that may take practice.
If your child is older, certain dietary restrictions will be necessary during the first few days following the lip- or tongue-tie laser surgery. Your child’s pediatric dentist will discuss specific dietary restrictions with you at your child’s appointment.