Zirconia Bridge: Advantages and Disadvantages

Zirconia Bridge: Advantages and Disadvantages“ Perfecting Your Smile is our first Priority. ”

If you are missing a tooth or many teeth, you may feel ashamed to smile or laugh in the company of others. You may also undergo problem chewing or find that you unexpectedly lisp or whistle when you speak. If your missing teeth are keeping you back from enjoying your life, then it’s an opportunity for a fix. The best solution is a Zirconia Bridge. Zirconia Bridge is composed of false teeth and two crowns attached to a base. The crowns go over your existing teeth like snug hats, holding the false tooth or teeth between them.

Get Zirconia Crowns and Bridges Services

What is the Zirconia Bridges?

Zirconia Bridge has recognized the best quality of bridge which is solid, long-lasting and visually appealing as related to another type of bridges. It is frequently preferred to metal ceramic bridges in that it creates less tooth irritation and with no sign of the dreaded grey line about the edge of the gums. For several people, this is a downside of using a bridge. But one way of bypassing that is to take an all ceramic bridge or the extremely rated zirconia bridge instead.

What are the benefits of Zirconia Restorations?

  • Creates a real appearance that resembles or improves the original tooth
  • Replaces a broken or cracked tooth to its original shape
  • Replaces a missing one or more teeth or all teeth in the mouth
  • Stronger than Porcelain rehabilitation
  • Improves chewing capability
  • Very useful for masking highly discolored teeth
  • Indicated for patients with a history of grinding or clenching
  • Low tooth wear of opposing teeth
  • Less tooth extraction is needed for pure zirconia crowns
  • Resists staining from coffee, tea, cigarette smoke, red wine, and more
  • Straightens crooked teeth
  • Closes minor gaps between teeth

Get Zirconia Crowns and Bridges Services

At Shanti Dental Clinic we understand your expectations and interests towards esthetics and stability and hence we regularly try to give you the best Dental Care available.

Advantages of a Zirconia Bridge

The main advantages are a powerful, durable, and excellent-looking bridge that blends in well with the rest of your teeth. The material utilized to manufacture this bridge is ‘biocompatible’  which indicates that is kind to living tissue within your body and will not cause any adverse effects, e.g. an allergic reaction.

Disadvantages of a Zirconia Bridge

Cost is one concern as this type of bridge may be more costly than the standard metal ceramic bridge. Ceramic is a strong, long-lasting material but what can occur is that the surface of the crowns becomes harsh which then brushes against natural teeth.

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