9 Ways To Stop Bad Breath

Bad breath can be very embarrassing, but it is a common condition and there are numerous ways to prevent it. Following these tips can help you fight bad breath as well as keep your mouth healthy on a daily basis. Brush teeth twice a day.Brush your teeth two to three minutes at least twice a…

5 foods that fight bad breath

There are many causes of bad breath but did you know that certain foods can keep your mouth fresh? Try these yummy remedies for bad breath. Good oral hygiene, of course, is still the best way to keep your breath sweet. But some kinds of food and drink can actually fight bad breath. Go ahead…

How to Handle Dental Emergencies?

It is impossible to avoid dental problems even after doing regular brushing and go for a regular dental check-up. Accidents can happen anytime anywhere. I am discussing here some dental emergency conditions and steps to manage them. TOOTHACHE: Rinse your mouth with warm water and remove any food that is lodged in between teeth with dental floss.…

What are the reasons dental tourism occurs?

By Dr. Rajesh Bansal Dental Tourism means an individual seeking dental care outside their local countries. Dental treatment is very expensive in most of the European and American. Dental Tourism means travelling abroad for affordable dental care, dental treatment, dental surgery or dental procedures, which are generally expensive in one’s own country. Dental tourism and…